Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The Internet is Making Us Dumb (dun, dun, dun)

With the help of the internet we can google, read, and learn at a record speed. The web was created to give us easy and quick access to the world. Although it does accomplish that goal, it also changes how we are off of the internet. Since, we literally have all the information at the palm of our hands we forgot how to learn and read normally. The internet has helped us in many ways but also changes how we read and learn. This article seems to define literacy the same way as the other articles we read defined it.   For example, literacy is being able to read a text and understand the information you just read. According to this article, we read texts in short brief glances and just skim because of the web. The web now gives us brief information in short statements. Because of the internet information we receive everyday we cannot read long texts anymore. The author includes evidence that the internet does change our way of reading. The author says we now get distracted and uninterested when reading a long book or article. Then, we no longer have to do research for information so we do not. Instead, we just Google information and we receive it. Finally, we struggle now to understand the information and decode it. The evidence is effective because it supports the author's main claim that the internet does change the way our brain functions.

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