Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The Internet is Making Us Dumb (dun, dun, dun)

With the help of the internet we can google, read, and learn at a record speed. The web was created to give us easy and quick access to the world. Although it does accomplish that goal, it also changes how we are off of the internet. Since, we literally have all the information at the palm of our hands we forgot how to learn and read normally. The internet has helped us in many ways but also changes how we read and learn. This article seems to define literacy the same way as the other articles we read defined it.   For example, literacy is being able to read a text and understand the information you just read. According to this article, we read texts in short brief glances and just skim because of the web. The web now gives us brief information in short statements. Because of the internet information we receive everyday we cannot read long texts anymore. The author includes evidence that the internet does change our way of reading. The author says we now get distracted and uninterested when reading a long book or article. Then, we no longer have to do research for information so we do not. Instead, we just Google information and we receive it. Finally, we struggle now to understand the information and decode it. The evidence is effective because it supports the author's main claim that the internet does change the way our brain functions.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift is a perfect celebrity to analyze on social media. I choose to analyze her Twitter because you can see more of her personality and attitude on there. Taylor Swift posts pictures, retweets her fans, and quotes or lyrics. She never tweets anything vulgar or rude. On Twitter, she comes across as very mature, happy, and confident. Her tweets are enjoyable and pleasant to read, which can be odd for celebrities. She is a celebrity that has young fans so, it is very smart of her to filter what she tweets or posts on any social network.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Social Media Can Kill

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. are easy access to a person's everyday life. Social media is meant to keep old friends in touch and make new friends. These days though, it is not always that way. If you take a glance on my pages it is obvious I am myself 100% of the time. I never say crude or curse words. I like to post cute pictures and creative quotes. I usually prefer to post positive things but the occasional complaint about homework. (but never blog posts haha) My last couple of posts on Instagram were from the John Mayer concert, family, and sorority swaps. Those posts make me look involved and fun. All of those photos include at least one person so it appears I have made new friends and am enjoying college. I do think all of those posts and the posts on my other accounts are accurate of the person I am. At this part of my life, I do feel I need to watch what I post and censor what I say or do. Luckily, I have never posted any profane things so it is not difficult for me. I do believe that if my future boss handed and observed my posts that I would get the job.