Sunday, August 25, 2013


When I found out we were watching "Crossfire" I really did not know what to expect. I had never seen the show but I could tell immediately that by the title it was not a friendly talk show. From the very first couple of minutes you could tell the show was not going to be pleasant because of all the sarcasm that was being thrown at Jon Stewart. To me, when you put two people with strong beliefs against each other, the debate will go nowhere. Since the two hosts were attacking Jon Stewart with questions and not listening to his views, it made the debate seem less genuine but almost rehearsed and fake. The hosts had a lot of emotion behind every question they asked. They only cared about how they felt and were completely one-sided.  The men only asked Jon the questions because they had to, not because they cared to listen to the other side of the debate. Watching the show made you wonder what was the point of having a guest or even a debate. If you never listen to the other person, why have them on for a debate show?

Thursday, August 22, 2013

My Writing Process

Honestly, when I first get an assignment I plan on getting started early but it does not usually happen. If the teacher assigns it in class I begin to brainstorm about what I will write. I like to write it down in a web diagram during class. Web diagrams help me organize my paragraphs and keep the structure of my essay or paper. Then, I wait until a couple of days before the assignment is due to actually begin writing. When I finally get focused and ready to write I have to sit down quietly and just type. I normally don't actually physically write any of my paper down in drafts. I love to just sit down and type the whole paper as I go. If I start on an essay I do not leave my room until I complete the assignment. When I get "in the zone" I don't worry about anything else except the essay or assignment that is due. Since, I just type my essays I normally only have one draft. I like to edit as a go and re-read my essays a paragraph at a time. When picking a topic I choose the one that I can write the most on. I may not agree necessarily with the topic but if I can back it up with the most information then I choose that subject. Usually that seems to be the most interesting topic. Finally, as I am typing my essay I love to listen to music. Music just calms me down and keeps me from focusing on how long the assignment is actually taking me. The television just distracts me so I try to steer clear of having it on.